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Turtles,Humpback Whales, and Hawaiian Monk Seals


Updated: Oct 15, 2024

Personal Escape Honeymoon Hawaii
Personal Escape Honeymoon Hawaii

If you are anything like me you love nature and animals so when there is an opportunity for an animal encounter you can count me in!! Turtles, Humpback Whales, and Monk Seals are just a few of the beautiful creatures encountered on my adventure.

I just had the most amazing experiences while visiting the islands of Maui and Kauai. The lush green tropical environment that is free of humidity made the weather every day just perfect.

On our journey we encountered Honu - Hawaiian for green sea turtles that have a heart shaped shell which are on the endangered species list. Approximately 30 turtles call the beach here home. Green Turtles return the beach that they are born on to nest. The best time to view the turtles is at dusk when they are returning to the shore for the night. Many of these turtles weigh up to 500lbs and can swim at a speed of up to 35 miles per hour.

Federal law requires that you stay at least 10 feet from the turtles and do not attempt to feed, touch, or ride them. The fine for harming a turtle is 100,000.

When I walked down the beach for about five minutes I was also able to view Hawaiian Monk Seals.

Personal Escape Honeymoon Hawaii
Personal Escape Honeymoon Hawaii

Hawaiian Monk Seals don't have a migration season so spotting one of these endangered species is very rare. An adult seal weigh can reach up to 600 pounds and baby seals are normally between 25- 35 pounds. Hawaiian Monk Seals eat up 8% of their total body weight daily.

Please remain behind the stick barrier and don't attempt to pet the seals. The fine for touching the seals is up to 25,000.00.

During my trip I was on many occasions able to spot Humpback whales from the sea and from the shore. Thousands of humpback whales migrate yearly between Alaska and Hawaii. While boating due to so many whales in the water boats are restricted no more than 15 knots, within 400 yards of a whale boats must slow down to 6 knots. For an up-close view consider taking a whale watching tour. Caught this photo of a whale who seems to be waving goodbye to us.

Personal Escape Honeymoon Hawaii
Personal Escape Honeymoon Hawaii

When planning your bucket list Hawaiian adventure please reach out to us we would be happy to assist you.

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